2022 GV Gives Back Wrap-Up

Edmonton, Alta (Jan. 10, 2023) – With the 2022 season of GVing wrapped up, we want to share some of the awesome things our team did this year – and it wasn’t just around the holidays. If you’re unfamiliar with our GV Gives Back program, every year we allocate a budget to help all of our team members give back through donations to the organizations they volunteer with. Our hope is that this program will encourage GV employees to be active in their communities in a positive way. With a few years of the program running, we’ve expanded the GV Gives Back initiative to include our client partners and local offices. Check out our 2022 GV Gives Back wrap-up:

Giving the gift of making a difference

It was our second year forgoing the cheesy branded client Christmas gifts and giving our client partners something more meaningful – the opportunity to make a difference. By letting our clients allocate funds to charities that mean the most to them, we donated over $29,000 this holiday season through Canada Helps.

Getting involved in our communities

It’s great to see where our donations go when we let GV team members give back to their communities. Here is an overview of where we gave back through our employee sponsorship and donation program:

  • General community support: $5,300
  • Sports: $6,850
  • Arts & Culture: $600

Holiday Parties – they’re not just about getting fun and festive

A few of our offices took it upon themselves to add a “Gives Back” component to their holiday parties and social club gatherings this year. Thanks to the following offices for continuing to keep our local communities top-of-mind this holiday season.

  • Calgary: Through a raffle and 50/50 this team raised over $2,000 for the Ronald McDonald House Charity Alberta
  • FSJ: Collected approximately $300 for Luke Keely, a local four-year-old boy waiting for a bone marrow transplant.
  • Kitimat: Our GV team at the Kitimat LNGC site camp supported their partners at JFJV with their annual toy drive and matched $600 of what we raised to make a grand total of of $1545!

This means that including a few other miscellaneous giving initiatives, GV donated over $50,000 in 2022 to Canadian charities and organizations across the country. Needless to say, it’s another thing that makes us proud to be GV.

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